Blog - ACDI


A Message of Hope

A Message of Hope

I struggled with what to call this post. A Message of Hope??? With a title like that, it sounds like it should be the ‘King’s Speech.’ But whatever, just go

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Law Firms’ Print Management Balancing Act

In law offices and other client-centric organizations, productivity, cost of ownership, and protecting profitability are top concerns. Firms struggle to strike the right balance between empowering employees to service their

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ACDI and Xerox of Peru Join Their Main Sales Channels

ACDI and Xerox of Peru join their main sales channels. The companies called the guests to an exquisite dining experience. Lima, February 2020 – the recently ACDI and Xerox of Peru gathered its major sales channels to reaffirm its commitment to this

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A Day in the Life of a PSE

Hi! My name is Ron Chiu, and I’m a Professional Services Engineer or PSE here at ACDI. I was asked if I’d be interested in sharing some helpful information about

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Kristal Cook Shares 6 Steps to Success:

6. Connect with ACDI on Social Media Platforms ACDI’s Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn help you stay up to date on the latest feature releases, webinars, and resources. 5. Subscribe to our YouTube channel People like

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How to Prepare Your Network for OCR

Another day, another acronym! OCR is optical character recognition. It takes a computer image of some kind, typically a scanned image, and analyzes the text in that picture. The scanned image

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