KPAX is fleet management reimagined for today’s customer environments. We’ve released our latest version, 3.0.5, and it comes with an incredibly impactful benefit to resellers…control of your API access. Have you been frustrated that your current provider holds your API access hostage? Do they only allow it to function with their proprietary platforms? If so, getting API access likely requires an API key request (Time) and a hefty fee ($$$) to be paid if they allow access at all.
KPAX is different. You work too hard to have your business plans dictated by your software provider. You should be able to decide what partners you work with and automate your workflows. The newest version of KPAX allows you to configure API access for any partner you choose. Set up customized group level access for supply vendors, analytics partners, ERP solutions, shipping partners, etc. Take control of your fleet management ecosystem today with KPAX instead of being restricted to an antiquated technology stack.