PaperCut Hive, Now Vs. Then

Innovation thrives on trial and error, and PaperCut Hive is no exception. Its journey began with PaperCut Pocket, the first iteration of PaperCut’s cloud-native platform. Pocket was designed as an entry-level print management solution, offering basic features like secure hold-and-release printing, a mobile app for job release, and a lightweight embedded solution. However, it had limitations, such as MFD lockdown and compatibility with only a select number of manufacturers. Over time, PaperCut evolved the platform, leading to the introduction of PaperCut Hive.

Let’s explore how Hive has advanced over the years and what it means for ACDI’s partners and customers.

As one of the first of its kind, PaperCut Hive combined cloud technology with local hardware to redefine print management. Despite these advancements, Hive faced challenges with adapting to many market segments. Early versions struggled with a limited feature set, complex onboarding, and inconsistent print delivery reliability. These hurdles needed to be addressed before Hive could match the success of its predecessor, PaperCut MF.

So, how did PaperCut overcome these challenges?

The team started by strengthening Hive’s foundation. They focused on improving print job and embedded reliability by reworking the printing algorithm, enhancing network client communication, and adding multiple print delivery options. By including support for port 9100 printing and manufacturer drivers, while giving administrators flexibility in delivery methods, print reliability improved significantly. Direct print job tracking and finishing options also further enhanced compatibility. With the latest advancements, Auto-pilot (AI-driven print job routing) and print delivery profiles, driving printing reliability up to 99.4%.

Next, PaperCut made strides in enhancing Hive’s capabilities by introducing integrated scanning for embedded systems and extending full embedded support to more OEM devices. Starting with scan-to-email and Google Drive, they quickly added more destinations, metadata support, and custom fields. Administrators could now integrate address books and interactive destinations, surpassing even the scanning capabilities of PaperCut MF.

Today, PaperCut Hive continues to innovate, closing the feature gap with PaperCut MF. New additions include streamlined user onboarding, a self-service end-user portal, single sign-on (SSO) with popular authentication platforms, print and copy cost tracking, end-user quotas, and more. Hive now offers a richer, more versatile experience than ever before.

PaperCut continues future-proofing Hive with features like Print Deploy, cloud pull printing, and, in the near future, Windows Protected Print support. These advancements empower partners to deliver cutting-edge print management solutions while preparing their customers for the future of printing.

PaperCut Hive has come a long way in just a few years, evolving into a top-tier print management solution. The question is, is your organization ready to take advantage of this leap forward? Are your customers prepared for what’s next?

To learn more, contact ACDI to speak with your account manager or solution architect. We’ll ensure you and your customers are ready for the next phase in printing innovation.

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