How to Have A Contactless Print Environment

How to Have A Contactless Print Environment

As businesses reset and some of us find ourselves back at the office, new concerns begin to form. We start asking ourselves questions that would have never been asked so ubiquitously before 2020. In a post-quarantine business climate, finding the answer to these questions is vital to adapting to this strange new world. 

“High-touch surfaces” is not a new term, but recently you’ll find it popping up more than ever. This refers to surfaces that have a significantly high volume of operation throughout the day from multiple users. Common among these surfaces are multi-functional devices (MFDs). These are used many times by many different people and, as a result, can be highly susceptible to germs.

So the question that keeps getting asked is, “How can we have a contactless print environment?”

With PaperCut, it’s already possible.

In this video blog, you’ll learn how from our own Kristal Cook. She’ll take you through the multiple ways that PaperCut enables your organization to print in a touch-free environment.

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