ACDI Success Spotlight: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)


What happens when you have uncontrolled printing in an organization with over 10,000 employees and 2,700 students? For UAMS, the result was skyrocketing print costs and an abundance of wasted paper. UAMS, being both in the healthcare and education industries, required a multi-faceted print management solution to meet their specific needs.

UAMS’ IT team was tasked with bringing a diverse range of devices, users, and locations under one effective system. Key initiatives included compliance with HIPAA and other regulatory laws, providing access to key reports, and having the ability to audit usage with ease.

Enter PaperCut MF. UAMS’ office equipment provider guided the school through implementing the solution and integrating it with their existing badge system. By utilizing PaperCut MF’s detailed reporting features, administrators now had the tools to automatically gather data and see where print volumes were concentrated. Having the capability to identify large volumes opened up new avenues for alternative workflow solutions. IT administrators were able to enact policies to promote sensible usage while users were encouraged to print securely at cost-efficient devices.

See how Arkansas’ largest public employer, gained control of employee and guest printing while saving $3,000,000 since installing PaperCut MF. 

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